A post on my X handle on the decision by the conveners of the #SaveGhanaFootball demonstration on Tuesday evening gathered interesting reactions. The consensus, it seems, is that the organisers have suddenly lost steam. I do not believe that.

Before I clarify my disbelieve let me share my post: “Kumasi version of #SaveGhanaFootball protest on hold as the [Ghana Football Association] asks for open dialogue. On surface issues, if you still think the protest has or had no effect, think again.

“The GFA cannot stand multiple protests nationwide. Kumasi was ready along with other regional capitals. Only makes sense that the FA makes overtures for dialogue. Whether that would lead to any change in Ghana football administration, time will tell.

“For now, however, the conveners have made strong, positive statement. Leadership of our football and sports must wake up to the things that matter. Saddick Adams and your team, stay focused.” The last time I checked, few believe that the stance by the conveners is appropriate.

“These conveners have disappointed hugely. What talks got them to suspend the demonstration? The very thing that got leaders to call the conveners out for a dialogue is suspended. What will be the next move if we find ourselves at the same side in ten years’ time?” wrote George Duah.

The reactions are all legitimate because in the past leaders have promised so much yet delivered little. Leadership is a tough call. Sometimes you must make tough decisions that may not favour all. It may even be unpopular, but tough decisions must be made as you chart a course. That is what the conveners have done even if early.

After sending a strong, positive signal in Accra on Valentine’s Day, doing what many football people who have direct investment in the game could and cannot do, of course for fear of victimisation, a group of vocal, principled journalists have done it. The goal, I can bet, knowing all the conveners, is not to fight the system unjustly but to awaken it.

Prompt them through protests on the things that matter in the administration of the game. If the system thus calls for dialogue, why should the conveners not grant that? The Ghana Football Administration setup I see cannot survive multiple demonstrations nationwide. They will quaver. Today, they are meeting the conveners at 11am. Dialogue means they accept something is wrong so come in, let us talk about the way out.

It is the talks – the substance of what would be said and the actions that would follow that would inform future actions of the conveners. Given their motive, as publicly made known, it is only wise that they accede to the call for dialogue at least for now, wait, and see what will happen. It may be an unpopular decision to suspend the demo, but it is a sensible one.